Access PATH Technical Assistance funds
to improve your CalAIM success

Technical Assistance Solutions for
California’s ECM and CS Providers

Providing comprehensive support for Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports

Eviset is a California Department of Health Care Services-approved technical assistance vendor. We provide solutions that support cross-sector partnerships under the CalAIM program.

Our team offers California’s Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports (CS) providers technical assistance designed to make your CalAIM contracting efforts easier, more efficient, and more successful.

Our optimized our solutions empower your organization to:

  • Increase Your Selection Opportunities: Enhance your chances of being selected for Managed Care Plan partnerships and unlock capacity-building investments.

  • Streamline Operations: Receive comprehensive business and financial reports that minimize additional tasks, allowing your organization to focus on core activities.

  • Expand Capacity: Build and leverage capacity for ECM and beyond, addressing all your growth and sustainability needs.

  • Benefit from No-Cost Technical Assistance: Thanks to PATH TA funding, qualified applicants can receive our expert technical assistance at no cost.

Our tools are designed for ECM and CS providers of all sizes. Whether you're a large organization or a smaller, under-resourced community-based organization (CBO), our solutions help you expand capacity, increase reach, and maximize impact through effective partnerships.

Unlock Valuable Insights with our Business Data Profile

Access industry-leading data, know-how, and distribution-ready materials to elevate your organization’s value proposition and streamline your external communication with Managed Care Plans (MCPs). 

Along with our Business Data Report, you’ll receive an in-depth overview, as well as training to help your team interpret findings and leverage them to improve your partnering with MCPs. This training also supports other initiatives such as grants, quality improvement, and board communications.

Effectively and precisely convey your value to Managed Care Plans

Industry-leading organizational
performance indicators

Most relevant to MCPs
selecting community partners

Understand your organization’s
performance indicators
in context of aggregated sector data

Powerfully convey your organization’s value to potential partners with
distribution-ready materials
and data analytics

Build Financial Sustainability with Our Expert Assessment

Build your strategic path to financial sustainability

Our tools and resources can help you make informed decisions and take actions towards a sustainable market position amid a rapidly changing market landscape.

Optimize your approach to health plan contracting and funding with our regional ECM and CS analysis

Data-driven Partner Matches:
your customized list of optimal
ECM and CS partnership matches,
supported by data analytics

Recommendations for high-value
local care hub development strategies

Data file that is CRM integration-ready
to streamline your outreach efforts

Request your complimentary consultation

How do I access CalAIM Technical Assistance Funding?

We've got your back! Are you an Enhanced Care Management (ECM) or Community Support (CS) provider in California?, Sign up here for a complimentary 15-minute consultation.

During your consultation we can:

  1. Review your specific goals

  2. Answer your questions about how our Business Data Profile can create value for you

  3. Help you access CalAIM technical assistance funding so we can get you your organization’s Business Data Profile for free.

Are you on the PATH?  Let Eviset help you get there.

What is PATH?

Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) is a five-year, $1.85 billion initiative to build up the capacity and infrastructure of on-the-ground partners, such as community-based organizations (CBOs), public hospitals, county agencies, Medi-Cal Tribal and designees of Indian Health Programs, and others, to successfully participate in the Medi-Cal delivery system as California widely implements Enhanced Care Management (ECM) and Community Supports and Justice-Involved services under CalAIM.

Drawing on the success and lessons learned from the Whole Person Care and Health Homes Pilots, PATH funding is designed to address the gaps in local organizational capacity and infrastructure, statewide, enabling local partners to scale up the services they provide to Medi-Cal beneficiaries. 

The resources PATH funds —such as additional staff, billing systems, and data exchange capabilities — are intended to support community partners to successfully contract with managed care organizations, bringing their wealth of expertise in community needs to the Medi-Cal delivery system. 

As PATH funds serve to strengthen capacity statewide, particularly among providers and CBOs that have historically been under-resourced, the initiative aims to help California advance health equity, address social drivers of health, and move towards an equitable, coordinated, and accessible Medi-Cal system.

On-the-ground partners are:

  • Community-based organizations (CBOs)

  • Public hospitals

  • County agencies

  • Medi-Cal Tribal

  • Designees of Indian Health programs


What is the PATH Marketplace?

PATH provides a virtual “marketplace" that offers technical support and off-the-shelf resources from trusted vendors like Eviset to support the infrastructure needed to implement Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports.