How can I access technical assistance under CalAIM PATH?
Beginning in 2023, Eviset is an approved vendor for the PATH TA Marketplace. Our company offers data and tools to help support cross-sector partnerships between health plans (such as Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans) and enhanced care management providers and community supports (such as housing transition navigation services and respite services.) What that means for qualified ECM and CS providers is that we can provide our solutions at no cost to you if you meet the requirements for the CalAIM PATH Technical Assistance marketplace.
Our Business Data Profile offers a high-quality jumpstart for your partnerships with health plans. We gather, analyze, and present key performance indicators and business data specific to your organization and aligned with CalAIM and the larger healthcare market. What your team gets is enhanced capacity to access health plan partnerships and streamline the communication of your’ value-proposition to health plans.
Not sure if you are eligible for the PATH TA Marketplace? We’ll be glad to help. We’ve put together this short “how to” guide to walk you through the process.
The CalAIM PATH Technical Assistance (TA) marketplace is now open! If you are interested in accessing TA support, our team has made it easy and summarized the key steps for you based on DHCS’ guidelines. Step-by-step instructions are provided below:
1. Determine eligibility
Before you start, make sure that your organization meets the following criteria:
Contracted with a Managed Care Partner (MCP) or other entity to provide ECM/Community Support services
Planning to contract with an MCP or other entity to provide ECM/Community Support services or actively exploring that possibility with an MCP or other entity
Approved by DHCS to receive TA.
If you are not sure, you may want to contact DHCS at
2. Gather the information you’ll need
Make sure you have the following information handy for the application”
Name and contact information for the organization's authorized signatory
Name and contact information for the organization's point of contact for participation in the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) Providing Access and Transforming Health (PATH) TA Marketplace
Attestation Form signed by:
A representative of the Managed Care Partner (MCP) or other entity with which your organization is already contracted to provide Enhanced Care Management (ECM)/Community Supports
A representative of MCP or other entity with which the organization is actively exploring the possibility of contracting to ECM/Community Supports
A representative of DHCS
3. Ready to register as a TA recipient?
If you meet the eligibility criteria above, fill out an online application form on the PATH CalAIM website.
4. In case you don’t know what is a TOTP code
When you register for your account, you may see a QR Code like this and be required to enter a TOTP code.
To proceed, you can use your phone to scan the QR code. The QR code will open up a dialog box (depending on the model of your phone, this may vary). You will just need to click where you want to save the passcode. Then, you should automatically see the passcode (it’s a six-digit number code).
5. Wait for a response: Once your application has been submitted, you will receive a response later on how you can access TA assistance funding.
6. Utilize TA services: Once you are approved to access the TA funds, just let us know by signing up here for an introductory call. We’ll be happy to meet you, learn more about your needs, and let you know how the Business Data Profile can support you in building successful MCP partnerships.
7. When you’re ready to get started, just sign the Statement of Work we provide. That’s it. We take care of submitting the statement of work to PATH and getting approvals.
8. We get started! Eviset gathers tons of data about the marketplace and your organization behind the scenes and without requiring you to devote countless hours to data collection and analysis. Really. Eviset is here to help and we can’t wait to WOW you. You have important work to do in California’s communities. We’ve done our job right if you can stay focused on that and let us handle the partnering data and tools.
It is important to note that the availability of TA assistance funding is subject to change and may vary depending on the new requirements at the time of application. Interested ECM and CS applicants are encouraged to check the PATH CalAIM website regularly for updates on the availability of TA assistance funding.
If you have questions regarding the eligibility of being a ECM or CS provider, you may access the FAQ page by DHCS. For assistance in completing the TA application form, please contact the TA Marketplace Team at or (866) 529-7550.